I am sure there are a lot of relieved teachers out there, now that Halloween is finally over and we can move on to Teacher Treat Tuesday for November and Thanksgiving. It is fun though, isn’t it?! It’s that one time in the year that you get to really use your imagination, dress up in fun and unusual costumes, and let’s not forget those sugar highs too! Carving pumpkins was ‘my thing’ this year. After a quiet Halloween last year, we ran out of treats after 60 visitors, so it was a bit of a crazy evening! I can hardly believe how quickly this year is flying in! I admit to struggling with the dark nights, but it’s something we all adjust to eventually…

Anyhow, Teacher Treat Tuesday is back this month to share lots of goodies with you for November. With Veterans Day and Thanksgiving coming up, teachers have a busy month ahead. It’s a time to reflect, be thankful and allow some calm to be restored!
Just click on the links below to explore some useful freebies, perhaps find a teacher author whose style and creations appeal to you and bookmark for the rest of the year!
Have fun! Teacher Treat Tuesday will continue on the first Tuesday of each month.