Happy New Year everyone and welcome to Teacher Treat Tuesday_January! Can you believe it’s a new decade?! Kinda scary, when I remember the new century so well! I hope you managed to find some downtime amid the chaos of Christmas. I really took a proper break this year and enjoyed every minute spent with family and friends. I feel rested and refreshed, but not quite motivated to work yet! Most of you will have started back to school yesterday – probably with a groan and only a little preparation!
Australia sees the start of the new academic year, so there will be lots of excited students ready to meet their new teachers. January is all about Martin Luther King, penguins, the winter season, handwriting, Australia Day, back to school and so much more! I was researching fun holidays and special events for January and came across this list – if you want a giggle, check out some of the weird days listed HERE!

If you are looking for a some support as you start back to school, maybe we can help with a few fabulous freebies for January!
Just click on the links below to explore. Perhaps you’ll find a teacher author whose style and creations appeal to you, and bookmark for next year!