So, Thanksgiving is over and in a couple of weeks, we will be knee-deep in wrapping paper, twinkling lights and all things shiny and bright! I would imagine there are a lot of very tired teachers out there, counting down the days until they can spend some quality time with family and friends! With that in mind, we have the final 2019 Teacher Treat Tuesday for December and Holidays.

I am slowly winding down my work hours for December and getting my head into Christmas preparation. This year, we have planned a very large family gathering at our home. I am lucky to have a husband who loves to cook, or I would be feeling slightly out of my depth! All year, I have been working hard at keeping a better work/life balance. I haven’t always been successful, but I am determined to take a proper break over Christmas and really enjoy my family time.
If you are just about ready to drop everything and put your feet up, maybe we can help with a few fabulous holiday freebies to save you some time and energy!
Just click on the links below to explore. Perhaps you’ll find a teacher author whose style and creations appeal to you, and bookmark for next year!