Please just scroll by my introspection to get to the distance learning freebies for April!
We are living in difficult times indeed! Such a strange reality for us all and I’m sure you are having the same difficulties adjusting to it, as I am.
I don’t often write about anything personal on my blog, but I thought you might appreciate a little snapshot into our lives, at the very least to know your are not alone in your struggles.
My husband was furloughed in mid-March, before the complete lock-down, as he has lived with chronic asthma all his life and this puts him at increased risk, if he were to contract Covid-19. Any of you that know me well, know that I suffer with Crohn’s disease and diabetes, which therefore places me in the vulnerable group too. My husband and I are in our third week of complete isolation. It has not been easy, emotionally. We miss our grandchildren terribly (although we do face-time) and I haven’t been able to see my mum since March 4th. This is the first Mother’s Day I have not been able to be with my mum. She has no clue about modern technology, so I have not seen her sweet face in such a long time! She lives in assisted housing, due to mobility and heart issues, but I was able to wave to her from the garden!
We are on very strict lock-down and have been for 2 weeks, I think? Or is it 3? Time just doesn’t feel like the usual 24 hours! We are only allowed to leave our homes for essential shopping and medications. We are allowed to go out for one form of exercise, but no further than 2 miles from our homes. If we travel further afield, we may be stopped by the police, fined or arrested. I can’t imagine how this will pan out for law enforcement, when the good weather really hits. Easter time will be particularly difficult. I live on a small peninsula with 3 beaches, which are very popular during holiday breaks – they have all been closed down to try and stop an influx of tourists – there will always be people who flout authority, regardless of how it affects others.
But, wow – hasn’t life slowed down?! I swing between an apocalyptic feeling to loving the extra time I have with my husband! We have certainly been forced into self-reflection – I admit to going through periods of anxiety – I know I don’t cope well without routine. I am sure there are many like me.
Last Thursday, the mother of our boys passed away. This has been our most difficult test yet. My arms ached to give them a loving, comforting hug, but we had to use our words. In these circumstances, words just aren’t enough – we long for that physical contact. It has been a heart-breaking time. The funeral was on Saturday past – only 10 mourners allowed, at a distance of 6 feet, no service, no flowers, no sweet memories to be shared.
With little to do with ourselves, we consume content daily – and what a mix of sad and happy that can be. Some days, I just don’t read, because I can’t bear it any more. Does it lead you to reflect on your own mortality and faith? Yes, difficult times indeed! But I know I am blessed and I need to hold on to that – for dear life! I can’t imagine what some people must be fighting currently.
Please just know that we are in this together and one day, the sun will shine again and we can go out freely to enjoy it. Who would have thought a month ago, that we would be where we are today – this strange reality? My prayers are with everyone, for those who risk their lives daily for us, for those who have lost loved ones, for those who struggle with mental health issues and for our teachers who continue to dedicate themselves to their students – these last weeks have seen a huge amount of creativity pour forth to keep those special connections alive – I am so proud of you – what I have seen and heard has been totally heartwarming – we are pulling together to get through these tough times! We need to dig deep now and keep working to flatten that curve and get through this as quickly and safely as possible.
There are teachers and parents, all over the world, who would dearly love some distance learning help, so let’s put our best foot forward for Teacher Treat Tuesday_April Distance Learning and load up our free distance learning resources! Add your forever freebies and share this post!

Just click on the links below to explore the free resources for Teacher Treat Tuesday_April Distance Learning. Perhaps you’ll find a teacher author whose style and creations appeal to you, and bookmark for another time!
You can also check out Teacher Treat Tuesday_March HERE.