It’s easy to give advice to teachers, but much harder to take it. My own good intentions often fall by the wayside, but hopefully my tips for when you need to clear your mind and refresh your soul, will give you food for thought.

My advice to you when you’re feeling overwhelmed…..
1. Don’t try to be superwoman!
Don’t beat yourself up when you make mistakes. Evaluate and move on. After 25 years teaching, I’m only beginning to manage this! It’s the perfectionist in me and you, just let go – children are so forgiving! Wipe the slate clean with a positive attitude, and don’t be afraid to share with colleagues – you are not alone.
2. Create a work/life balance that works for YOU
Try not to be influenced by what others do – this only adds to the stress! I was always first in and last out AND took loads of stuff home – I learnt the hard way! I am totally not a morning person, so I now accept that I am happy to be in on time and stay late. I never leave without being ready for the next day – preparation is key. Be strict with yourself about bringing work home – often-times it is necessary, but try to limit how often you do it during the week.
3. Meditate
This tip may sound silly, but I’m going to throw it out there – I downloaded a meditation to my iPod that can be completed in 5 minutes. I do this at lunch time and honestly feel so much better for it! It just clears my head and I feel so much calmer. After this I go for a walk along the country lanes (with a colleague) – 15 minutes and I feel so refreshed and energised – I would be lost without this time and feel less tired for the afternoon session. We natter about silly things and leave the classroom behind.
4. Have fun!
I have 29 students this year and still succumb to the pressure of ‘teaching’ them. One valuable lesson I have learned is to make sure you have fun. Don’t forget to play with your kiddos, talk to them and interact on a personal level. Your students want a relationship with you, they want to hear your stories, see you smile and laugh – never lose sight of this – laughter is just the best medicine for all ills – make the time no matter what. A positive, relaxed teacher creates a great learning environment and well-motivated children.
5. Mindfulness

Thank you for the great advice! Finding a balance has been a huge challenge for me. I'm in my 3rd year teaching and I'm still working on it! Love your blog!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Melissa. Hope it helped a wee bit! It's can be so overwhelming when you're just starting out!
Great advice! Jealous of your walks down country lanes in between classes. That sounds completely relaxing.
It's such a valuable time for me. Even when I don't feel like it or think I just have too much to do, my colleague drags me away and I'm always grateful that she does! 🙂
I love what you said about being superwoman. I swear, it's the teacher in us that makes us that way!