Are you ready to celebrate Leap Year with your students? Get ready to leap into February 29th with these Leap Day Print and Go fun activities for young learners. I’ve got several engaging activities to help you celebrate the extra day!

Students always have loads of questions about Leap Year, so let’s hit that discussion first! What do we know about Leap Year?
Here are some facts for teachers:
- Extra Day in February: In a leap year, we get an extra day in February. Instead of having 28 days, February has 29 days.
- Every Four Years: A leap year happens every four years. It’s like a special year that helps us keep track of time with the sun and the seasons.
- Birthday Fun: Some people have a special birthday on February 29th because it only comes once every four years. People born on this day are sometimes called “leaplings.”
- 4, 100, 400 Rule: Leap years are usually years that can be divided by 4. But, if a year is divisible by 100, it’s not a leap year, unless it’s also divisible by 400. That’s a little rule to make sure our calendar stays just right!
- Helps our Calendar: The extra day in a leap year helps make sure that our calendar matches up with the way the Earth goes around the sun. It keeps everything in order, so we know when it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter!
Below is a short LEAP DAY video:
Understanding that the earth orbits the sun is a pretty tricky concept for young kids, but this role play will really help their understanding.
- Have kids sit in a circle, leaving the middle empty.
- Invite 2 kids to play the Sun and Earth: The Sun stands in the middle and Earth off to its side. Place some kind of marker on the floor where the Earth stands.
- Explain that it takes 1 day for the Earth to spin 1 time, so spin the Earth child in his/her place. Have the Sun child hold a flashlight towards the Earth to show daytime and night-time – I love this bit!!
- Then explain that it takes 1 year for the Earth to orbit the Sun and have the Earth child walk around the Sun child.
- Then, remind kids that the Earth does both at the same time so have the Earth spin as he/she goes around the Sun – some dizzying fun!
Now we can move on to the fun activities! Listed below is everything included in this free pack. The bonus activity is the only thing that requires preparation – the rest – just print and go!
- Comprehension: text and questions
- Writing Prompt: write and draw
- Word Search: synonyms
- Frog Maze: find the connection
- Coloring Pages: easy/hard
- Directed Drawing: frog
- Skip Counting in 4s: frog pond
- Word Challenge: LEAP DAY

- Reading Comprehension: helps students understand and make meaning of text
- Writing Prompt: a fantastic way to practice narrative writing, allowing students to explore imaginative scenarios, structure stories, and express their ideas clearly
- Synonym Word Search: a twist on a traditional word search, this one is designed to expand vocabulary and cognitive skills. By focusing on synonyms for “leap,” students not only reinforce their understanding of the word but also discover new vocabulary in a fun way.
- Frog Maze: improves problem-solving skills, enhances hand-eye coordination, promotes spatial awareness, encourages persistence and perseverance
- Coloring Pages: great for developing fine motor skills and concentration, or just simply for the enjoyment of coloring!
- Directed Drawing: encourages students to follow directions carefully, pay attention to detail, and develop their drawing skills.
- Skip Counting in 4s: helps develop number sense, strengthens students’ understanding of patterns and multiples
- Word Challenge: enhances vocabulary development and promotes phonemic awareness
- Leap Day Headbands: a fantastic way to practice fine motor skills, follow step-by-step instructions, and engage in a group activity that promotes a sense of community and celebration.
So, that’s the facts and the pack summed up. Now you’re probably asking – how can I get my hands on this fab free pack? Well, just fill out the form below, you will be added to my email list, which will give you access to other free resources, discounts and sales – as a subscriber, you get the news and materials before anyone else!
I hope your kiddos have lots of fun on Leap Day! Perhaps you have a Leapling in your class? How exciting!
If you’re planning ahead, you can find some fun suggestions and free resources for St. Patrick’s Day HERE.
Speak soon!